Thank you for choosing to donate your time to support local youth in our community! There are many ways to get involved! If you are interested in volunteering as a Mentor, please see below. For all other volunteer opportunities, please contact to see what opportunities are on the horizon!

PLEASE NOTE: You must be 18+ to volunteer as a Mentor with our agency and you must meet the requirements for the program.

Please refer to the table below to ensure you select a program of interest that is the right fit for you.

Have A Look At Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities!

Hi All, If you are interested in this “Sensational Elora – Pumpkin Day” Event Please Contact:

We are excited to share that we get to be a part of the Fergus Fall Fair again this year, meaning we are looking for volunteers to help us help them!

We are looking for two people per shift, at least one being 18+! On top of supporting the community you will also get to attend the fair, every volunteer will receive a wristband to attend the fair the day that you volunteer.

The shifts are as follows:

September 13 5pm to 9pm

September 14  9-1pm, 1pm-4pm and 4pm-7pm

If you are interested click the graphic below!

Your support allows us to continue to grow, offer more experiences, expand programming, and ignite potential.

Have a look at upcoming events for volunteers!

Program/ EventProgram/ EventProgram/ EventProgram/ EventProgram/ EventProgram/ Event
Big Brothers Big Sisters One to One matchesYes1.5 hours evenings/weekends! year minimum2-4 meets/ visits per month1.5 hour Session (or longer pending)
Go Girls! - Group programmingYesWeeksdays during the school year7 weeks1.5 hours per week3 hours split between interview and pre-match training
Game On! - Group programmingYesWeeksdays during the school year7 weeks1.5 hours per week3 hours split between interview and pre-match training
Beyond the box - Group programmingYesWeeksdays during the school year7 weeks1.5 hours per week3 hours split between interview and pre-match training
In-School Mentoring ProgramYesWeeksdays during the school yearSchool year: September - Juneminimum 4 months, Ideally school year3 hours split between interview and pre-match training
Soapbox 2025YesCanada Day - July 1st1 Day2 - 5 hours for the dayTo be determined
Spooky stablesYesDate varies1 Day2 - 5 hours for the dayTo be determined
BNO GalaYesEvening/ Weekend1 Day2 - 5 hours for the dayTo be determined
Golf For Kids SakeYesMorning/Weekend1 Day2 - 5 hours for the dayTo be determined