Thank you for choosing to donate your time to support local youth in our community! There are many ways to get involved! If you are interested in volunteering as a Mentor, please see below. For all other volunteer opportunities, please contact to see what opportunities are on the horizon!

PLEASE NOTE: You must be 18+ to volunteer as a Mentor with our agency and you must meet the requirements for the program.

Please refer to the table below to ensure you select a program of interest that is the right fit for you.

Program/ EventProgram/ EventProgram/ EventProgram/ EventProgram/ EventProgram/ Event
Big Brothers Big Sisters One to One matchesYes1.5 hours evenings/weekends! year minimum2-4 meets/ visits per month1.5 hour Session (or longer pending)
Go Girls! - Group programmingYesWeeksdays during the school year7 weeks1.5 hours per week3 hours split between interview and pre-match training
Game On! - Group programmingYesWeeksdays during the school year7 weeks1.5 hours per week3 hours split between interview and pre-match training
Beyond the box - Group programmingYesWeeksdays during the school year7 weeks1.5 hours per week3 hours split between interview and pre-match training
In-School Mentoring ProgramYesWeeksdays during the school yearSchool year: September - Juneminimum 4 months, Ideally school year3 hours split between interview and pre-match training
Soapbox 2025YesCanada Day - July 1st1 Day2 - 5 hours for the dayTo be determined
Spooky stablesYesDate varies1 Day2 - 5 hours for the dayTo be determined
BNO GalaYesEvening/ Weekend1 Day2 - 5 hours for the dayTo be determined
Golf For Kids SakeYesMorning/Weekend1 Day2 - 5 hours for the dayTo be determined

Have a look at upcoming events for volunteers!